A mystical light show took place over the village of Andover late Thursday night into Friday morning. Dancing lights in reds, greens, and purples swirled amongst the stars. Local residents took to the hilltops and their yards to get an amazing array of photos of the mysterious phenomenon.
Ignoring all science and other news sources Andover Exclusive can only come to the conclusion that this is the work of Aliens.* Other theorists say that these lights are the aurora brought further south by a solar flare. Here at Andover exclusive we think that explanation isn't really that fun though. Perhaps we're all living in a computer and this was just a lighting glitch in the simulation. It's probably maybe Aliens though.
One resident who wishes to remain anonymous so as not to bring themselves to the attention of the other worldly beings or the man and the black helicopters brought up another aspect of the event stating "Notice you didn't hear any birds during it? It's because birds aren't real." This adds another dimension of mystery to these lights as perhaps it points to an electrical interference with the birds/spy drones. To be fair to the bird truthers the lights did occur at night so that may have also contributed to the lack of bird song.
These strange lights have been seen a few times this year over western NY. Perhaps the extraterrestrials are trying to send us a signal? If so they should really work on their communication. Just beam me up already we can talk this out.
*This theory is based on vibes only. No evidence will be forthcoming. We're just here for a good time, not a scientifically accurate time.
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