During the dusky hours of yesterday evening a bear dubbed Houdini was spotted at DeeDee Wallace's trash cans. He's not unknown to the Wallace household as he's been menacing their trash for much of the summer. DeeDee speculates that this is likely a bear newly kicked out if it's mother's care. If looking for good cooking and motherly love the bear came to the right house, but should have used better manners.
The Wallaces have been making great efforts to secure their trash cans to keep the bear from making a mess of their yard with it's meal. Their latest attempt involved weighting the bin with cinder blocks securing the lid. Houdini, true to his name, refused to be out maneuvered and managed to retrieve a bag without upsetting the complex cinder block trashcan situation. The bear then proceeded to spread it's meal across the entire yard from the trash can to the tree line.
DeeDee comments "I had just thrown out the rest of the homemade Texas hot sauce that I'd made and I think that was just too tempting. It was pretty good." Anyone who has had DeeDee's Texas Hot sauce can certainly agree that the bear was unfairly tempted.
Several of the Wallace's neighbors have reported their bins are being raided by the bear as well. Steve Walker, who resides down/over the hill from the Wallaces, reports that the bear was in his household trash over the weekend. Steve reported that the bear has a very discerning taste as far as dumpster diving goes as it passed over the left over chicken curry and instead went for an entire head of frozen celery and other produce (caused by a fridge on the fritz). Steve had no comment on if he planned to replace the fridge or continue to insist that it's fine. His wife has only mentioned it a couple times a week for a decade though, so she may not be serious on the matter. He states "I thought you were asking about the bear. This is really getting off topic."
When it comes to feeding the bears the NYS DEC is very clear in suggesting you DON'T. Their website suggests that you "secure your trash bins." However, their website did not have any suggestions that seemed adequate for dissuading Houdini.
High Quality Video of the bear making off with the trash
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