The day started with a crustacean and ended with a bang in Andover this year. After last year's scaled down festivities there were some concerns about the newly imagined Andover 4th of July, but those fears were unfounded.
The 4th of July committee co-chaired by Jake Riehle and Brian Perkins (and let's be honest Melissa and Heather) brought the community together in a new way that somehow felt like the same 4th of July celebration that we know and love. The parade was a little later due to being Sunday, the fair grounds were relocated to Legion Park, and the fire works were fired off from Lynch hill.
The Andover Youth Travel Basketball team sold a few hundred Sterns chicken dinners. I can confirm that they were delicious.
The independence of our nation was thoroughly celebrated here in Andover. Flags lined the streets and essential workers carried the community flag to lead the parade. The fair grounds had funnel cake and snow cones. There were back yard bbqs and front porch beers being had all over town. The annual fireworks were awesome as usual and the cell phone video footage will attest to that for years to come.

This July 4th was also Barbara Walker's 90th birthday which was celebrated with a bonfire of 90 candles on her patriotic cake. All her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present to help blow out the candles.

All around this July 4th was a huge success and we have the 4th of July committee to thank for it. If you haven't said thank you with cash yet there's still time! Checks can be mailed to 4th of July Committee, PO Box 431, Andover, NY 14806. All proceeds will be used to make next year's festivities even more festive. If you don't have cash but DO have time they are always welcoming new volunteers.

© AndoverExclusive 2021